平成20年度 神戸大学 グローバルCOEプログラム


Global Center of Excellence for Education and Research on Signal Transduction Medicine in the Coming Generation − Bringing up clinician-scientists in the alliance between basic and clinical medicine −

  錦織 千佳子 Nishigori Chikako
所属・職名 医学研究科医科学専攻 内科系講座・皮膚科学分野
E-mail chikako@med.kobe-u.ac.jp
TEL / FAX 078-382-6131/078-382-6149
研究室 HP http://www.med.kobe-u.ac.jp/dermat/kyoshitsu.html

 高発癌性遺伝性疾患のひとつ色素性乾皮症(XP)の診断の確立と遺伝子変異と臨床症状との関連性を明らかにし、 光発癌の機序を多角的に検証してきた。今後も臨床研究と基礎的研究の融合をはかり、病態解析、DNA修復遺伝子の 機能解析の解明につなげたい。

1) XPの遺伝子診断の確立とgenotype-phenotype解析?日本人に多いXPA群

2) 長波長紫外線の悪性黒色種発への関与?中波長紫外線による

3) 紫外線による免疫抑制機序におけるDNA損傷の関与?表皮細胞核

4) IL-23とIL-27ワクチン療法の悪性黒色への治療効果?マウスの皮膚


1. Oka M, Kikkawa U, Nishigori C : Protein Kinase C-?U
  Represses Hepatocyte Growth Factor-Induced Invasion by
  Preventing the Association of Adapter Protein Gab1 and
  Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase in Melanoma Cells.J Invest
  Dermatol 128 : 188-195, 2008.

2. Tanioka M, Masaki T, Nishigori C, その他8名: Molecular analysis of
  DNA polymerase eta gene in Japanese patients diagnosed as
  xeroderma pigmentosum variant type. J Invest Dermatol 127 :
  1745-1751, 2007.

3. Kunisada M, Kumimoto H, Ishizaki K, Sakumi K, Nakabeppu Y,
  Nishigori C : Narrow-band UVB induced more carcinogenic skin tumors
  than broad-band UVB through the formation of cyclobutane
  pyrimidine dimmer. J Invest Dermatol 127 : 2865-2871, 2007.

4. Oniki S, Nagai H, Horikawa T, Furukawa J, Belladonna ML, Yoshimoto T,
  Hara I, Nishigori C : Interleukin-23 and interleukin-27 exert quite different
  antitumor and vaccine effects on poorly immunogenic melanoma.
  Cancer Res 66 : 6395-6404, 2006.

5. Kunisada M, Nakabeppu Y, Nishigori C, その他5名 : 8-oxoguanine
  formation induced by chronic ultraviolet B exposure makes Ogg1 knockout
  mice susceptible to skin carcinogenesis. Cancer Res 65 :6006-6010, 2005.

6. Nishigori C, Yarosh DB, Shreedhar V, Ullrich SE, Cox P, Kripke ML :
  Hind III liposomes suppress delayed-type hypersensitivity responses
  in vivo and production of epidermal IL-10 in vitro. J Immunol 161 :
  2684-2691, 1998.

7. Nishigori C, Yarosh DB, Kripke ML, その他4名 : Evidence that
  DNA damage triggers IL-10 cytokine production in UV-irradiated
  keratinocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93 : 10354-10359, 1996.

8. Nishigori C, Wang S, Takebe H, その他5名 : Mutations in ras genes in
  cells cultured from mouse skin tumors induced by ultraviolet irradiation.
  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91 : 7189-7193, 1994.

9. Sato M, Nishigori C, Zghal M, Yagi T, Takebe H : UV-specific
  mutations in p53 gene in skin tumors in xeroderma pigmentosum
  patients. Cancer Res 53 :2994-2946, 1993.

10. Nishigori C, Zghal M, Yagi T, Imamura S, Kamoun MR, Takebe H :
  High prevalence of a point mutation in exon 6 of XPAC gene in
  xeroderma pigmentosum group A patients in Tunisia. Am J Hum Genet
   53 : 1001-1006, 1993.



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